
Malaysian Space Board Act 2022 (Act 834) was gazetted on January 25, 2022. It is a new outer space legislation that was passed by the Malaysian Parliament. This Act is designed to regulate Malaysian outer space activities that are carried out nationally or internationally. This paper discusses the major legal frameworks of the Malaysian Space Board Act 2022. They are the establishment of the Malaysian Space Board, modes of authorisation of space activities, registration of space objects, liability and indemnification, prohibition of activities and offences, event of incident and accident, power of enforcement of public officers, and other relevant legal matters. The methodology used is by analysing the provisions stated in the Malaysian Space Board Act 2022, works of authoritative writers, and United Nations space conventions and treaties. The paper concludes that the Act is a good space legislation, however, certain matters need to be given consideration like the obligation of constant monitoring and supervision of space activities, and the liability insurance clause.

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