
The article reviews and analyzes the main legislative amendments of the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights during the Movement of Goods across the Customs Border of Ukraine» №202-IX following the provisions of European standards. In particular, changes have been analyzed with the extension of the list of intellectual propertyrights, the promotion of which is carried out during the movement of goods across the customs border of Ukraine and the provisions on the non-application of measures to promote the protection of intellectual property rights for the movement across the customs border of Ukraine of original goods that were made with the consent of therights holder or goods made by a person duly authorized by the rights holder to produce a certain amount of goods over the stipulated and the right holder have been disclosed.The peculiarities of suspension of customs clearance and destruction of small consignments of goods transported (shipped) across the customs border of Ukraine in international postal and express shipments are investigated. In particular, it has been established that practically all persons who purchase goods for the online storeof another country fall within the scope of this legislation novel provided if the respective right holder has entered information about the object of intellectual property rights in the customs register of objects of intellectual property rights, and agreed to the procedure for the destruction of small consignments of goods. It is determinedthat small consignment of goods in the view of this novel means goods transported (shipped) across the customs border of Ukraine in one dispatch from one sender in international postal items, in one cargo by an express carrier in international express dispatches, in no more than three units for each product subcategory according to the Ukrainian Classifier of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity or total gross weight of not more than two kilograms. In the case of suspension of customs clearance of a small consignment of goods moving (shipped) across the customs border of Ukraine in international postal and express consignments, on suspicion of infringement of intellectual property rights, such goods may be destroyed if they fail to comply with theconditions established by law.

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