
With reference to liquid, gaseous and solid fuels in publication 2018-19.03, we have carried out research on European legislation concerning the quality of fuels and the emission of harmful pollutants into the air. We have been interested in the technical analysis of a fuel by carrying out research on the relevant quantities with which they are characterized: calorific value, combustion temperature, power on temperature, ignition temperature (spontaneous combustion), combustion air, viscosity, calorific value; we carried out studies on the theoretical method for the determination of the calorific value and of the combustion air and of the efficiency of an engine plant, with interest also to some experimental methods. With a view to improving the quality of the atmosphere in respect of sulfur dioxide and other polluting gases, the Community has had to take steps to progressively reduce the sulfur content of diesel used to propel vehicles, including aircraft and ships, and gas oil for heating, industry and ships starting from 1975 with Directive 75/716/EEC which constitutes a first step towards reducing the sulfur content of liquid fuels and concerns only gas oils; with this directive two types of gas oils are defined, type A and type B, in it is given a definition of certain types of fuels containing sulfur with the intention to reduce its content. With Article 1 of the same directive in paragraph 1, diesel oil is defined any petroleum product which, due to its distillation limits, is part of the average distillates intended for use as fuels or fuels and of which at least 85% by volume, including distillation losses, distills at 350 °C; (are also included, in the same definition of gas oils, any petroleum product as defined in subheading 27.10 C I of the Common Customs Tariff, 1 January 1974 edition). In the same article, with diesel type A are defined any low sulfur diesel oil whose use is not subject to restrictions in the Member States; diesel oil Type B any diesel oil intended for use: in areas where the levels of air pollution due to sulfur dioxide, measured at ground level, are sufficiently low.

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