
The aim of study was to investigate qualitative behavior of leghaemoglobin sub-fractional components during dark induced nodular senescence. A conventional protein purification method using ion exchange chromatography (HPLC) readily resolved ferric Lb into eight sub-fractional components namely a1, a2; b; c1, c2 and d1, d2 d3 in the unstressed chickpea nodules. Lb complexes behave differently during growth phases of the nodules. Lb ‘a’ complex is directly related to the growth and developmental of nodules wherein proportion of Lb a2 content increases with age of nodule accompanying concurrent decrease Lb a1. Early appearance of senescence related isoprotein Lb a2 at vegetative phase of chickpea cultivar correlates its stress-susceptible nature. Further, the turnover rates of Lb a1 to a2 and Lb b were insensitive to reduced supply of photosynthesis during dark stress and even re-illumination. The relative proportion of c2 to c1 inversion increases during darkness. Further, Lb‘d’ complex is affected the most during prolonged darkness. Thus, ratio between individual sub-fractional components of Lbs’ can be correlated with the development phase, longevity and supply of carbohydrates to nodules.

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