
Medical image synthesis plays an important role in clinical diagnosis by providing auxiliary pathological information. However, previous methods usually utilize the one-step strategy designed for wild image synthesis, which are not sensitive to local details of tissues within medical images. In addition, these methods consume a great number of computing resources in generating medical images, which seriously limits their applicability in clinical diagnosis. To address the above issues, a Light and Effective Generative Adversarial Network (LEGAN) is proposed to generate high-fidelity medical images in a lightweight manner. In particular, a coarse-to-fine paradigm is designed to imitate the painting process of humans for medical image synthesis within a two-stage generative adversarial network, which guarantees the sensitivity to local information of medical images. Furthermore, a low-rank convolutional layer is introduced to construct LEGAN for lightweight medical image synthesis, which utilizes principal components of full-rank convolutional kernels to reduce model redundancy. Additionally, a multi-stage mutual information distillation is devised to maximize dependencies of distributions between generated and real medical images in model training. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted in two typical tasks, i.e., retinal fundus image synthesis and proton density weighted MR image synthesis. The results demonstrate that LEGAN outperforms the comparison methods by a significant margin in terms of Fréchet inception distance (FID) and Number of parameters (NoP).

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