
The problems of the legal status of the court administration have been studied. The authors have accomplished analysis of scientific works, the authors of which studied specific features of the legal status of the court administration. It has been stated that the legal status of the court administration is determined by legislative acts and bylaws of Ukraine. The authors have suggested own definition of the legal status of the court administration. The legal status of the court administration is a list of rights, responsibilities and powers of the court administration established by law norms, which is determined by the tasks assigned to the organizational provision of the court and the administration of justice.
 Some elements of the legal status of the court administration have been studied. It has been established that special functions, tasks, staff structure, specifics of appointment and dismissal, conditions of disciplinary liability are integral elements of the legal status of the court administration. It has been emphasized that the employees of the court administration perform the functions of organizational, technical and information provision of the court.
 It has been proved that the legal status of the court administration is characterized by the following elements: performance of functions by the employees of the court administration on organizational, technical and information provision of the court; implementation of the court administration’s activity in accordance with the principles of legality, rule of law, professionalism, efficiency, political impartiality, transparency and others; selection of employees of the court administration on a competitive basis; performance of duties by the court administration in accordance with the established structure and staffing; the presence of a special legal status of the head of the local court administration, which consists in a special procedure for appointment and dismissal, a specific list of responsibilities.
 Specific amendments to the current legislation on improving the legal status of the court administration have been offered.


  • Визначення цих принципів допомогло дослідженню проблем правового статусу працівників апарату місцевого суду

  • Перспективи подальших досліджень можуть бути пов’язані з розробленням пропозицій про внесення змін до законодавства України, яке регулює правовий статус та основні засади діяльності працівників апаратів судів загальної юрисдикції

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155 Закону України «Про судоустрій і статус суддів» організаційне забезпечення роботи суду покладено на його апарат, який очолює керівник. Його структуру і правовий статус керівника закріплено у Типовому положенні про апарат суду (далі – Типове положення).

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