
Consumer losses due to the actions of business actors can file a lawsuit in the General Court using the legalstanding of LPKSM which has a legal entity and is registered and recognized by the government based onArticle 46 paragraph (1) letter c of the consumer protection law (UUPK). This writing aims to determinethe legal basis for the legal standing LPKSM. This research was conducted normatively using a descriptiveanalytical approach. The results of the discussion that the legal basis for the legal standing LPKSM can befound in Article 46 paragraph (1) letter c of the UUPK and Book II of the Supreme Court concerning Guidelinesfor the Implementation of Duties and Administration of Courts in Four Courts page 53 letter F concerningPower of Attorney/Deputy number 1 letter d, which is the the proxy/representative as the Plaintiff/Defendantor Petitioner in Court is “Director/manager or employee appointed from a legal entity” and is in accordancewith Meijers theory, namely the theory of juridical reality (Juridische Realiteitsleer). Legal subjects are LPKSMwhich have legal standing. An example of an LPKSM having legal standing is YAPERMA in decision no.3/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Tlg.

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