
Introduction. The use of technical means for copyright protection is regulated not only in Russian legislation, but also in foreign and international law. It means that the international concept of intellectual property protection could be perceived differently by foreign jurisdictions, which, in turn, is of special scientific interest. The foundations of legal regulation are laid down in international treaties, which in the intellectual property law are tools that contain substantive rules of law. The provisions of such treaties are implemented in the national (supranational) legislation, and, therefore, become part of them and subject to additions.. The article is devoted to the study of international legal regulation of the use of technical means for copyright protection.Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research consists of the following general scientific and special methods of cognition of legal phenomena and processes: dialectical, formal-legal, comparative-legal, formal-logical, structural-functional.Results of the study. The authors found that attempts to protect copyright using technology available at every stage of history were undertaken by individual countries, beginning from the second half of the 19th century. However technical means of protection received legal regulation at the international level relatively recently, the prerequisite for that was the rapid development of digital information technologies. Analysis of international legal norms in the field of legal regulation of technical means of copyright protection has shown that at present international legal regulation is of a general nature, providing each of the states at the national level with ample opportunities for legal concretization of gen-eral norms. However, recently the Internet treaties of WIPO recognized for the first time not only the advisability of the use of technical means of protection, but also the obligation prohibiting circumvention of such protection technologies, and therefore national legislations should contain provisions regulating the circumvention of such protection technologies.Discussion and Conclusions. The introduction of international law with regard to the use of the protection technologies, despite their general and abstract nature, has given a serious impetus to the establishment of legal regulation of this institution at the national level. At the same time, the rules governing the use of the protection technologies in the near future will require greater unification and concretization due to the rapid development of digital information technologies, blurring the borders between states in terms of disseminating the results of intellectual activity, and also in order to avoid a multiplicity of interpretation of law and to ensure effective legal regulation and protection of copyright.


  • The use of technical means for copyright protection is regulated in Russian legislation, and in foreign and international law

  • The article is devoted to the study of international legal regulation of the use of technical means for copyright protection

  • Technical means of protection received legal regulation at the international level relatively recently, the prerequisite for that was the rapid development of digital information technologies

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Право в современном мире

В связи с бурным развитием цифровых информационных технологий, стирающих границы между государствами в части распространения результатов интеллектуальной деятельности, а также во избежание множественности толкования права и эффективного правового регулирования и защиты авторских прав, нормы, регулирующие применение технических средств защиты, возможно, в скором будущем потребуют большей унификации и конкретизации. Согласно положениям Интернетдоговоров ВОИС технические средства защиты авторских прав ограничивают доступ не только к самим результатам интеллектуальной деятельности, но и к информации об управлении правами. Деятельность ISO в контексте защиты авторских и смежных прав в информационнокоммуникационных сетях, является ключевой, так как указанная организация принимает международные стандарты в области электронного управления данными правами. Указанная система представляет собой цифровую базу данных в сети Интернет, целью работы которой является идентификация и учет результатов интеллектуальной деятельности, систематизация и содержание сведений о владельцах интеллектуальных прав, а также предоставление информации об условиях их использования

Результаты исследования
Materials and methods
Discussion and Conclusions
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