
The paper is devoted to examination of the legal regulation of the mechanism of implementation of public social expenditures in the Russian Federation. It is determined that the mechanism under consideration constitutes a system that includes a number of elements that are grouped into certain subsystems, including the regulatory subsystem, the principles of legal regulation of public relations that develop in the process of spending in the social sphere, the material basis of spending in the social sphere, the legal basis of social spending that include budget allocations, expenditure and budgetary obligations of public legal education, types of social expenditures, an institutional subsystem that includes subjects of legal relations arising in the process of implementing social expenditures. The paper draws special attention to the issues of codification of social legislation. As noted in the paper, this legislation is very mobile — new acts can be adopted to support certain segments of the population that were not previously covered by social protection measures; existing regulatory legal acts can be canceled when necessary, they may be amended due to the revision of criteria for the provision of social support measures, etc. In this regard, it is substantiated that, despite the fragmented nature, social welfare legislation, due to the peculiarities of regulated public relations, currently does not need codification at the federal level.

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