
The article is devoted to the issue of legal regulation of medical services in Ukraine. The main focus is on family medicine and regulation of the relationship between the family doctor and the patient with whom the declaration was signed, as well as the topic of reforming the health care system of Ukraine, which began in 2015. After all, it was the reform of the health care system that opened such a state institution for Ukraine as family medicine. The relevance of this research topic is that the quality of medical services is one of the main indicators of the effective functioning of the health care system. It is the factor of proper provision of medical services that contributes to: population size, mortality, life expectancy and, in general, public health and population demographics. These important factors determine the development of the state and its socioeconomic situation. If we do not take into account the modern fundamental factor of quality, the medical system will not be able to function properly, and as a result will have problems and shortcomings that will prevent the country from moving forward, both in medicine and in other areas. After the implementation of the first stage of reform, the Ukrainian health care system has undergone significant changes. The main of which was family medicine and all its principles and innovations. The topic of family medicine in Ukraine is quite important, because the family doctor is almost the first to whom the patient turns, so attention should be focused on primary care in order for this institute of medicine to function well and efficiently. Today, Ukraine faces a problem such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to certain gaps in health care, such as inefficient and poor quality of primary care services, lack of responsibility for quality on the part of both doctors and patients, and society. dissatisfied with the reform of the health care system in Ukraine, and the lack of legal force in declarations between family doctors and patients is also a problem today. These problems were not so obvious and noticeable before the COVID-19 epidemic, but it is this situation with the coronavirus that highlights all the above gaps.

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