
In the context of the European integration of Ukraine, the evolution of human rights, the development of civil society, environmental problems in Ukraine, including those caused by the military actions of the aggressor, the study of the problems of legal regulation of the ecological network in Ukraine is of important practical and theoretical importance. Researching the issues of legal regulation of the ecological network in Ukraine is important for the further improvement of environmental legislation, as well as for the improvement of law enforcement practice in this area. As a result of this research, the problems of legal regulation of the ecological network in Ukraine and its elements are important for the development of the sciences of constitutional, administrative and environmental law. The article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of the ecological network in Ukraine. In this article legal regulation of the ecological network in Ukraine is characterized. In the context of the modern European integration of Ukraine, the evolution of human rights, the development of civil society, environmental problems in Ukraine, including those caused by the military actions of the aggressor, the study of the legal regulation of the ecological network in Ukraine is of great practical and theoretical importance. Ensuring the effective functioning of the ecological network of Ukraine, including the protection of the environment, overcoming the negative consequences of damage to the environment caused by hostilities, prompt demining of de-occupied territories, is an important element for the effective functioning of the system of natural human rights in Ukraine, among which the right for a safe environment for life and health in Ukraine. The concept of "legal regulation of the ecological network in Ukraine” can be defined as a system of norms and principles of law aimed at regulating social relations by legal norms in the field of formation, preservation and rational, tireless use of the ecological network in Ukraine as one of the main prerequisites for ensuring the sustainable development of Ukraine, protection of the environment, protection of flora and fauna, nature conservation areas, satisfaction of ecological, economic, social and other interests of individual citizens, society, territorial communities and the state. The elements of the ecological network of Ukraine includes: key, connecting, buffer and renewable territories.

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