
Formation and development of the modern network society is accompanied by domination of informatization, wide use of the Internet, information interaction of various technical means in interests of public, social and economic relations. This directly affects such important areas as security and the development of science and education. It makes revolutionary changes in pedagogical practice, transfer and exchange of knowledge, creation of a new professional community of teachers, scientists and engineers. Innovative approaches to the organization of training of specialists in various fields, virtual universities, network transnational consortia of researchers and developers are being formed. In these conditions, it is legitimate to talk about a new branch of law, i.e. the "network law", which regulates public relations, built with the use of infosphere, which is correct and in the interests of national security. Legal regulation of science and education in the interests of national security in a networked society should be considered as a complex, systematic and continuous process that requires improvement of organizational and managerial mechanisms, the legislative framework based on the strategic goals of ensuring national security of Russia, the priorities and objectives of the state national policy. The paper substantiates the existence of a systemic relationship between the features of the network society, national security, education and science, which are in close interaction, complementing and conditioning each other. Taking into account the research goals and objectives, the main provisions of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation 2020, the Federal law "On education in the Russian Federation", presidential decrees and government resolutions on science and education are analyzed. The conclusion is formulated that the legal regulation of science and education in the interests of national security in a network society acquires a special role as a strategic resource for sustainable development of modern society and an important factor of socio-economic and technological development of Russia.

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