
The realities of today’s life of Ukrainian society, the pro-European course of development and activity chosen by the nation, the favourable geopolitical position of Ukraine, etc. along with other strategically important circumstances in the development of state-legal and social institutions of our state and nation naturally led to the emergence of the need to improve analytical approaches to the development of investment and innovative support for the tourism sphere of life of Ukrainian society. The research aims to analyse the features of the legal content of the categories that are within the framework of research on the subject of work and the legal forms that social relations acquire, which in this regard develop in society. The aim of the work is also to try to form our own legal view on the current state and prospects for the development of legal support for the relevant issue. The leading research methods are theoretical – analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, abstraction. The scope of issues raised in this work concerns a fairly complex framework of sectoral and legal regulation: administrative, international, civil, economic, etc.

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