
In a very rapid economic development, it cannot be denied that the absorption of credit in people's lives is growing rapidly. In this case, in all the use of products or services by consumers, consumers have the right to obtain legal certainty corporate bullying billing financial technology is one of the most publicly highlighted violations of law today. This study has 2 (two) main problems, namely to identify and analyze the weaknesses that result in the implementation of criminal sanctions regulations in financial technology criminal cases in Indonesia that are currently not fair and attempts to reconstruct criminal sanctions regulations in financial technology criminal cases based on Pancasila justice. This research method uses a juridical-empirical approach. Analysis of primary and secondary data is carried out using a descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research and discussion show that the weaknesses that result in the implementation of criminal sanction regulations in financial technology crime cases in Indonesia are that they do not contain criminal threats for violating the provisions of Article 44 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 10/Pojk.05/ 2022 Regarding Technology-Based Co-Funding Services. Efforts to reconstruct the regulation of criminal sanctions in financial technology crime cases based on Pancasila justice, namely by adding criminal provisions to the criminal provisions in Article 44 of the Regulation of the Financial Services Authority of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10/Pojk.05/2022 Concerning Information Technology-Based Joint Funding Services by adding one paragraph. So that the provisions in Article 44 of the Regulation of the Financial Services Authority of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10/Pojk.05/2022 Concerning Information Technology-Based Joint Funding Services.

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