
The article substantiates the importance of protecting the ozone layer at the international level, since the efforts of individual States to limit the turnover of ozone-depleting substances at the national level are insufficient. The international legal regulation in this area is investigated, the need for the protection of the ozone layer at the international level is justified. In order to implement the norms of international law, it is also necessary to adopt appropriate legislation at the national level, in connection with which the article analyzes the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ozone layer protection, conclusions are drawn on the topic of the study.The purpose of the study is to analyze the international legal regime for the protection of the ozone layer, as well as to establish the adoption and operation of international legal acts for the protection of the ozone layer. The protection of the ozone layer is an important area of climate protection. The preservation of the ozone layer leads to an increase in resistance to climate change, which is especially relevant at the present time, contributes to the achievement of one of the priority goals related to a positive impact on the environment, established in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2021 No. 1912-r “On the approval of the goals and main directions of sustainable (including green) development of the Russian Federation” — preservation, protection or improvement of the state of the environment.

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