
Amid current development of innovations and technologies, academic staff, including research officers of educational institutions of higher education and research officers of research institutions play a key role in the creation of intellectual property. It is because man creates the results of intellectual activity, and academic staff of educational institutions, researchers in research institutions are, in the designated context, special subjects involved in the processes of creating intellectual property, mainly on a regular basis. Academic staff of educational institutions and researchers in educational and research institutions in a certain sense seem to be the weak side. Often, educational and research institutions in employment contracts and local regulatory legal acts establish conditions that the corresponding institutions are automatically the copyright holders of exclusive rights to intellectual property created by the faculty and researchers. Publishers that publish scientific works of the faculty and researchers often impose the transfer of exclusive rights free of charge, without paying remuneration to the authors. In this context, the paper proposes measures to develop models for the protection of intellectual property rights of the academic staff and researchers, as well as solving a number of problems related to ensuring the rights and interests of this category of authors.

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