
The aim of this research is to see the legal protection of Donation-based Crowdfunding zakat on financial technology due to the huge spreading of startup with zakat fund in Indonesia. Meanwhile there is still no specific regulation protecting various risks that will arise especially the risk of unobvious identity, potential disputes, dissimilarity of the zakat purpose and the implementation of zakat distribution, and the other deviations. This type of research is library legal research with conceptual and state approach. The result of the research shows that in positive law there is no legal protection regulation in Zakat based on Donationbased Crowdfunding. The regulation only crowdfunding contains investment element andgenerate profit as described in Act Number 21 Year 2011 regarding Financial Services Authority. While Zakat-based Donation-based Crowdfunding is a nonprofit-oriented type of product. This makes the absence in the elements of justice and legal certainty. The regulation on zakat only described in Law number 23 year 2011 which is not contained that system. In the protection of Islamic law, the certainty of the implementation of the contract is stipulated in the zakat based on sharia agreement that must comply with the various principles and provisions of sharia, whether the arrangement starts from the intention, the process of agreement, transparency, and all aspects relating to Amil, Muzakki and Mustahiq zakat (Who is the mustahiq and what kind and how the implementation). finally, the researcher hopes that this research will bring inputs for government to make more comprehensive regulations on zakat in its digital form.

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