
Human trafficking is a violation that destroys human’s honor and dignity. Every year the number of victims of human trafficking is soaring, LPSK states that in 2021 there will be 210 victims of human trafficking, with details of male victims as many as 75 persons, while women amounting to 135 persons. Several things cause human trafficking, one of which is the lack of legal protection for the victims, prevention of women trafficking that is not properly implementated, and lack of education which causes loss of legal morals and responsibility to protect people, especially who are vurnerable. In addition to the above, there is also a lack of public understanding and knowledge on human trafficking issues, despite since 2007 since the Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons No. 21 of 2007 was established. Another cause is due to economic demands, demands for survival among the poor or marginalized group, and on the other hand there is a desire to earn large incomes in an easy and fast way. In national and international law, human trafficking is one of the most common violations of the law, especially for women and children’s victims. Human trafficking is very detrimental not only materially or immaterially but also to the protection of the poor and younger generations who are the main targets of human trafficking. This research will apply the normative juridical method from various sources of law and legislation to review the two issues of this research, namely (1) describing how the law is enforced against traffickers, and (2) analyzing the government's role in overcoming the recovery of victims of women trafficking. Preliminary research result shows that legal protection for victims of women trafficking is far from maximum. This will then be investigated further regarding regulations that will help enforce laws against trafficked women, as well as the extent of government support to assist the recovery of victims of women trafficking.


  • IntroductionLaw is a social institution that lives in society to manage a living in the midst of society (social control)

  • Legal protection against human trafficking in the applicable law in Indonesia is regulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP) in Article 297 which states that women and children trafficking will be subject to sanctions in the form of a sentence of 6 years imprisonment and the revocation of several criminal rights (Rusito & Suwardi, 2019; Susanti et al, 2020)

  • Based on the results of the research data, shows that the profitability has significant effect on the bond ratings so that the hypothesis is accepted which means that the small profitability gained will affect the bond rating issued by the rating Company (Pefindo)

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Law is a social institution that lives in society to manage a living in the midst of society (social control). This marginalization occurs since women are considered to have a "nature" that has been determined by the social community for a long time This has resulted in various consequences for access and fundamental rights that women cannot own, for example, the right to vote or express opinions and views and it is increasingly difficult in practice to enforce women's human rights without distinction of status and group as women. The perpetrator of human trafficking recruits, transports, transfers, harbors, or utilizes the person in the practice of exploitation in all its forms by means of threats of violence, use of force, kidnapping, counterfeiting, fraud, abuse of power, or a position of vulnerability, or providing payments or benefits in order to obtain the consent of the person having control over the victim (Bajari, 2013; Yuliartini & Mangku, 2020). Based on the background described previously, this article will focus on two things, namely describing how to enforce the law against women traffickers and analyzing the role of the government in overcoming the recovery of victims of women trafficking

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