
This study aimed to analyze the role of Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) of the banking activities in Indonesia and to analyze the legal protection of bank customers. There are two issues discussed in this study, the first regarding the role of OJK and Bank Indonesia in supervising crime in the banking world and the second regarding legal protection for customers victims of savings accounts break-ins crime. The research method used was normative juridical, by studying and reviewing legal principles derived from library materials. The discussions that were discussed in this article were how the role of OJK and Bank Indonesia in supervising crime in the banking world and how legal protection is for customers who are victims of savings account burglary in Indonesia. The Otoritas Jasa Keuangan regulation (PJOK) also requires banks to compensate for losses suffered by customers. Article 29 PJOK Number 1/PJOK.07/2013 states "Otoritas Jasa Keuangan is required to be responsible for Consumer losses arising from errors and/or negligence, management, employees of Financial Services Business Actors and/or third parties working for the interests of the Financial Services Providers. Financial Services Business. Lawsuits that can be pursued through the courts can be in the form of criminal charges or civil lawsuits. Embezzlement of bank customer deposits may be subjected to Article 372 and Article 374 of the Criminal Code (KUHP).


  • Banking is a financial institution that plays a very important role in national development activities and international trade

  • Bank Indonesia is a central bank that is a state institution that has the authority to issue legal instruments of payment from a country, formulate and implement monetary policies, regulate and supervise banking and carry out the function as lender of last resort.[8]. This law was taken due to the many problems in the banking sector that occurred during the crisis which resulted in 21 national private banks were liquidated by Bank Indonesia

  • The Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Regulation (PJOK) requires banks to compensate for losses suffered by customers

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Banking is a financial institution that plays a very important role in national development activities and international trade. Banking is a financial institution that is a place for individuals, private entities, even government institutions, and agencies to keep their funds.[1] Article 1 point 2 Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking, defined that Bank is a business entity that collects funds from the public in the form of savings and channels them to the public in credit and or other forms to improve the standard of living of many people. Banks have a great responsibility for economic development These responsibilities were derived from duties and functions as an intermediary between the funds held by people channeled back in the form of credit that will be used as an alternative to increasing economic establishment that it is true if a bank is a factor that can boost economic growth.[2] Toward losses suffered by the customer, the Bank Indonesia explained, legal protection against the loss of customers can be seen through Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 16/1/PBI/2014 on Consumer Protection Service Payment System. Bank customer protection absolutely must be done by the bank in accordance with the nature of the business carried out by banks, which is creating a sense of security for their customers.[4]

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