
Act No. 20 of 2011 on the towers to make the legal basis for vertical residential building whose ownership is shared objects, piece together and ground together. With Improved and national economic growth are positive also helped encourage and spur improve the provision of residential development condotel in several major cities in Indoenesia this happens because of the looseness of the Government's policy on the provision of building vertical form of the apartment plus more because of market demand and the people who continue to increase, especially for the middle to high society and it is believed Developer these conditions will continue to increase and grow as global developments that occurred in the decade as it is today. Thus the government, especially the Ministry of Housing (Kemenpera) must anticipate on these developments to immediately find a solution. Fulfillment of the housing needs in the form of building vertical shape of one of them can be done through the construction of residential apartments. Apartment development policy to be one attractive option to do both by government and private sector employers as the property as part of an urban housing development in the region, especially given the increasingly expensive and limited availability of land.
 Key words: Buyers, Apartments, Legal Protection.

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