
Traditional cultural expressions result from intellectual activity, experience, or understanding, expressed by community groups in the context of tradition, which are dynamic and can experience development. Protecting Traditional Cultural Expressions is regulated in Article 38 of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. Batik Bakaran, as a form of the traditional cultural heritage of the people of Pati Regency, has the potential and characteristics to obtain protection for Traditional Cultural Expressions so that unauthorized use from other countries does not occur and protects the rights of local communities. This study aims to find out and analyze whether Batik Bakaran has the potential to get legal protection against Traditional Cultural Expressions as well as the urgency and implications of Legal Protection for Traditional Cultural Expressions in Batik Bakaran in Pati Regency. This research uses the type of Juridical Empirical research using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques by way of literature study and based on the results of interviews, observation, and documentation. Data validity uses triangular techniques. The results of this study indicate the potential of Batik Bakaran as a traditional cultural heritage that has characteristics as part of Traditional Cultural Expression.

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