
Discourse on the legal politics and public policy is an object of study that is never dry to continue to be explored and developed in accordance with the development of a nation’s civilization. Looking at the issue in the industrial era 4.0 is a complexity. Various problems of state administration seemed to never end with the tragedy that stained the face of the motherland. The scientists in measuring solutions sometimes go too far between theories that are within the boundaries of diction and the realm of implementation of the stakeholders who are invisiting conscience. As if the reformation never guarantees who knows how long this nation will rise from adversity that has already spread to all lines. Is this country essentially being tested, regarding the political configuration and consistency of the constitutional “khiitah”? Or the problem of waves of corruption, collusion, nepotism and demoralization? This problem can certainly occur, when the people’s representatives are more loyal to the pragmatic interests of the party through political promises of campaign that are suspended in action, so they tend not to care about the true mandate giver. Responding to the various empirical phenomena is not only needed a comprehensive legal breakthrough as a solution for the achievement of the nation’s development goals towards a better. The mouth of this simple paper invites for a moment to discuss the nature of the country in the frame of prophetic religiousity as an alternative solution to the intellectual errors that are materealist-secular and far from the values of transcendence.

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