
Purpose. The purpose of the scientific article is to expose the historical significance and relevance of the Zamojs’kyj Synod of 1720, to investigate the legal impact of synodal acts on the unification, development and identity of the Kyiv Unity Church. The historical context (circumstances, socio-political processes of the late 17th – early 18th centuries) is explained. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study was, in particular, the dialectical method of scientific cognition, through which comprehensively investigated the decisions and resolutions of the Zamojs’kyj Synod of 1720 and their relationship with material and cultural and moral factors. The systematic method was applied in the complex study of large and complex objects (sources, decisions and resolutions of the Zamojs’kyj Synod of 1720). The method of comparison was applied in establishing the similarities and differences of historical and legal phenomena and law-making processes in the bosom of the unified Kyiv Church , formation and development of processes, events in chronological sequence. Originality. The scientific novelty of the research is to uncover the historical significance and relevance of the Zamojs’kyj Synod of 1720, ex. Effects of Synodal Acts on the unification, development and Identity of the Unified Church of Kyiv. Results. The study found that the adoption and approval of many canonical norms prohibited the Zamojs’kyj Synod from most roman catholic ceremonial practices, practices of the Eastern byzantine-ukrainian rite, which were not otherwise stipulated, and legalized a number of roman catholic religious holidays. The innovations fostered a better understanding between representatives of the byzantine rite and their catholic neighbors. The rulemaking of the Zamojs’kyj Synod defined the main directions of development of the Kyiv Church for the following centuries up to the present day. Practical importance. The results of the study can be used in law-making activities for the purpose of legal regulation of public relations in the sphere of state-confessional relations.

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