
In the XX century developed recognized with mandatory nature of international legal principles designed to protect the state and the people from external threats. The effect of these principles related to the problem of human rights that are guaranteed by several international conventions. Proclaimed in international instruments of human rights are based on the understanding of universal humanism. European understanding of human rights could claim leadership, but the events of recent decades suggest that the West European approach does not become a model for the rest of the world. The peoples will inevitably put in this concept the content of which reflects the peculiarities of national traditions, as well as more general civilizational identity. The practice indicates that the thesis of human rights violations is often used as a pretext for interference in the affairs of sovereign states, the method of intervention are the «color revolutions». Declarative support for democracy becomes a violation of the basic principles of international law of noninterference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, the principle of sovereign equality of States, etc. The autonomous status of Russia objectively gives rise to the problem of building its relations with other states. It is necessary to strengthen the national legal system as the guarantor of national sovereignty, ensure its interaction with international law and foreign legal systems. It seems appropriate to highlight those areas of national regulation, which are able to enhance the immunity of the state to export a «color revolution».

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