
The object of the study is the interaction of employees of the internal affairs bodies with the mass media. The subject of the study is the legal basis for the interaction of internal affairs officers with the media, the requirements and the procedure for preparing for such interaction. The purpose of the study is to identify the legitimate grounds for the use of photo–video devices in the activities of police officers, as well as the procedure for training police officers to interact with the media. The study uses theoretical research methods (interdisciplinary analysis of literature and normative legal documents, systematization, comparison, generalization. In this article, the authors reviewed the regulatory documents explaining the rights to carry out photo and video fixation within the professional activities of police officers. The practical significance of this study lies in: the legal justification of the legality of the use of photo-video fixation tools in the activities of police officers made by the authors on the basis of the analyzed normative legal acts; generalized on the basis of the studied Federal laws and departmental orders communicative requirements for police communication with the media, as well as the experience presented by the authors on the formation of the readiness of future police officers to interact with the media. Mass media at the stage of training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. So, according to the authors, for the successful preparation of future police officers for interaction with the media, it is necessary to create special pedagogical conditions, which include: conducting communication trainings, creating a cadet press center, studying a special academic discipline, as well as the constant involvement of students in interaction with the media.

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