
In conditions of intense international confrontation, the problem of institutionalizing political leadership becomes key. Today it is very important to decide what kind of leader the state should be in order to ensure not only survival and independence, but also stability and sustainable development. Currently, the aggravation of the struggle between East and West has reached its culmination, and the global political crisis requires the most painless solution. At the same time, the nuclear threat is becoming much more tangible than ever before in history. The crisis nature of international relations is increasingly manifested in the increasing level of confrontation between the main political actors and the political blocs they lead. The role of political leaders in these conditions is rapidly increasing, which can be judged at least by the place in current political discussions occupied by the personalities of Russian President V. V. Putin, the American J. Biden, as well as the leaders of Germany, France, Turkey and other world centers of political power. This article is devoted to the study of the legal basis for the institutionalization of political leadership in modern conditions, identifying the factors that determine the authority and effectiveness of the modern leader of the country.

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