
The article defines that state management determines the management of society in order to realize legal and social goals. It is shown that the goals of state administration are formed by the political system and implemented by the state mechanism. It is determined that public administration is a purposeful organizational and regulatory influence of the state on the condition of development of social processes, consciousness, behaviours and activities of citizens with the aim of achieving the goals and implementation of the functions of the state, reflected in the Constitution and legislative acts.It is emphasized that the newly created system of state administration has not yet got rid of the past; it functions according to outdated management traditions, does not correspond to Ukraine’s strategic course for European integration and European principles of governance, is ineffective, generates a shadow economy and corruption. It is internally contradictory, excessively centralized, closed off from society and, for the most part, does not satisfy the needs of the citizens of Ukraine.The article identifies specific features of state administration that allow a better understanding of its content and essence.It is shown that the construction of the organizational structure of state administration is represented by the placement and interaction of its elements, vertical and horizontal connections. The form of connections is formed under the influence of both external and internal objective and subjective conditions and factors, namely: the constitutionally determined form of the state; constitutionally defined functions of the state, as well as the goals and functions of state administration; democracy and style of public administration; state policy; condition and placement of management facilities; competence of management personnel; provision of information of state administration.Organizational forms of implementation of the organizational function of state administration are one of the forms of management activity of state authorities, local self-government bodies, their officials. They are mandatory components of state management activities, as they determine how management decisions should be made, adopted for the organization of the system of state management.

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