
The aim is to analyse problematic issues related to the legal effect of the activities of the National Police of Ukraine in the sphere of ensuring the observance of economic rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. The authors used the following methods: analysis (study of the subject of the article as a complex theoretical and legal category), logic (sequential and structured analysis of the topics related to the subject of the paper), interpretation (clarification of the legal content of legislative acts), systemic and structural (combination of the information obtained on the subject of research and its sequential presentation), etc. Results. The authors have established a stable relationship between the activities of the National Police of Ukraine and the mechanism for ensuring compliance with the economic rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in a number of forms and segments that make up the national economic system. It was noted that the most important thing in the matter of ensuring the functioning of the specified mechanism is the stability and universality of legal norms determining the standards and limits of social and legal interaction in this sphere. This is because, as the example of the ongoing war unleashed by Russia on the territory of Ukraine shows, this destructive factor significantly endangers the functioning sustainability of all, without exception, state and social institutions. Practical significance. The corresponding practical component of the study is the possibility of using the above-mentioned developments in the legislative and regulatory activities, which are systematically implemented taking into account the dynamics of social and legal relations in the conditions of the active phase of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. Value/originality. The authors have proved that the modern algorithm of the National Police of Ukraine functioning in the field of ensuring the observance of economic rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen is stable, although it is not without a number of shortcomings systematically affecting the relevant institution, which is confirmed by statistical data. The role and place of individual police units, which in turn directly ensure the functioning of the mechanism for ensuring the observance of economic rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen, have been defined.

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