
Based on reconsidering of well-established science provisions on legal culture and its structure, the author of the article using a systemic approach proves the thesis that legal culture of the society appears as an integrated multi-level system. In the legal culture the author distinguishes such levels as genetic, archaic, traditional, national, regional and global. The appearance of each new level takes place due to qualitative changes, transformation of the legal culture of the society during a certain historical period of its development. To conclude, the author opines that all levels of legal culture, being subsystems of an organic integrity, interact with each other and change during this interaction. The integrity of the legal culture of a particular society is provided by cultural (ideological) universals that include not only phenomena consciously recognized by the society, but the phenomena that are accepted by the society unconsciously. Universals accumulate legal experience gained during the whole period of historical development in the coordinate system of the vital activities of a particular society.

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