
The article explores the modern understanding and essential characteristics of legal culture, which reflects the extent and nature of its development. The relevance of the research topic is due to the needs of forming a high level of legal culture of the population and fostering respect for the rule of law as the most important components of a model of legitimate social behavior necessary for the successful implementation of the tasks of socio-economic development of society and the state in modern realities. The purpose of the study is to identify possible directions for improving and increasing legal culture based on the analysis of scientific approaches to understanding legal culture, as well as existing regulatory legal acts in this area. The methodological basis of the research is represented by a complex of general scientific and private scientific research methods: dialectical method, methods of analysis and synthesis, formal legal, comparative legal and other methods of scientific cognition. The paper analyzes the concept and essence of legal culture, its constituent elements, the state of legal culture, considers approaches to the formation, improvement and development of legal culture at the present stage. Ensuring the rule of law in the law-making and law-realization spheres, formation of appropriate legal thinking, improvement of legislation, legal practice, creation of conditions and motivations for improving legal behavior, introduction of digital technologies into the field of legal education and legal assistance are defined as the main directions for increasing the level of legal culture.

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