
Purpose: the purpose of the article is to determine the mutual influence and interdependence of the process of cognition of law as a socio-cultural phenomenon and the development of an information-oriented society in modern conditions of globalization. Methods: the methodological basis of the study consisted of general scientific methods of cognition, as well as subject scientific knowledge, which helped to find out the objective patterns of transformation of Ukrainian society, in particular, in the aspect of its informatization. Results: the initial principle of the scientific work is the development of theoretical legal structures, taking into account the new national legal ideology of «human-centrism», the idea of humanization of administrative-legal regulation and the fulfillment of the requirements of strict observance of general principles of justice, fairness and reasonableness. Discussion: modern information and globalization transformations in society determine not only the emergence of new legal mechanisms, but also the need to change the paradigm of legal thinking and redefine the theoretical foundations of the law as a whole. This, in turn, actualizes the need for constant identification of the causes of legal evolution and the creation of ways for the gradual development of law in the context of multidimensionality of socio-cultural reality.

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