
After almost six years of a consumptive Poland, World War II, the Polish society began to rebuild the basic, destroyed structures of the country. Deep political transformations have undergone fundamental state structures, including education and sport. The National Council was involved in issues of Physical Education was already involved in 1945. At its 9th session, proposals about protection of health and physical education were presented. They were at a time when the Temporary Government of National Unity had already introduced decrees: the creation of offices and boards of physical education and military adoption, and the universal obligation of physical education and military adoption. The establishment of the Seym in early 1947 resulted in further changes in organizational structures of physical culture. The Act on the Universal Obligation of Vocational Enrollment, Physical Education and Youth Adoption, and the Organization of Physical Culture and Sports, was the impetus for major changes. In 1949, another resolution dissolved all the hitherto centralized institutions of physical culture by appointing the Main Committee of Physical Culture in their place. The aim of this article is to discuss issues related to the statutes adopted during that period and the ordinances which regulated all matters related to the development of widely understood school sport in Poland since 1947 to 1997.

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