
Abstract: The paper presents the arguments of scientific relevance of legal awareness of modern Kazakh society. This article deals with the problems related to legal awareness of Kazakh society. The purpose of this article is to consider the legal awareness peculiarities of modern Kazakhstan society, connected with the transition from a to-talitarian society to legal state as also to identify the social and psychological factors that influence the effectiveness and impact of rights. Keywords: legal awareness, society, Kazakhstan.Legal Awareness as a category of theory of state and law means the sphere of public, social group and indi-vidual consciousness related to the reflection of legal phenomena, which is determined by socio- economic conditions of the society. In mankind history ideas about the basic functions of legal awareness -as cognitive, evalu-ative and regulatory- were developed, which impact the forming the legal awareness of the civil society.In the modern world legal awareness as relation of people to the right is one of the most essential ques-tions of theory and practice in state activity. Today, the Republic of Kazakhstan stands on the threshold of im-portant socio-political events. The transitional period of state is completed, and it was underline in the speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. А. Naz -arbayev on the opening of the third session of Parlia-ment of the Republic of Kazakhstan [1, 1–2]. Enter-ing into WTO, in the number of fifty most competitive countries of planet, is steps on the way of becoming of Kazakhstan as a center of stability and integration in the region of Central Asia. It requires from Kazakhstan soci -ety obligatory compliance with principles of progressive development and of dynamical growth. Forming of legal awareness comes forward as a requesting factor of inter -nal stability of society. Without the developed sense of justice it is not possible to have positive legal reforms, to create wholesome civil society as also to provide inter -nal integrity and external sustainability of state. These and other social processes are a mortgage for having se-cure and sustainable state. As a result, the study of legal awareness, as also its essence, conformities to law and dynamics of development comes forward as grounds for theoretical working of range of problems related to the construction of legal state–socially oriented with sustainable parameters of progressive development. Due to the complex of different relations the necessity of increasing of legal socialization is caused by growing attention from the side of state policy, law enforcement authorities, labor teams and socio-political institutes for prevention of law-breaking in the republic. That is why; we have to work out newly the questions about objective and subjective factors, which determine consciousness of personality, as also about correlation of knowledge and convictions in its structure, about the orientation of aims and valued orientations, about nature of social activity and other components of consciousness and behavior. To our opinion, it is appropriately noticed by scientists, that “heritage of totalitarianism will be felt long; especially it gives about itself to know in a modern transitional period. Moral and legal illnesses of society went so far and got such threatening character, and became the powerful brake for conducting economic, socio-political, legal and another reforms” [2]. Forming of legal awareness takes place under influence of histori -cal experience of society, and also of social experience of different individuals and groups. Legal awareness has a certain structure consisting of two levels — ordinary and theoretical. Ordinary legal awareness, which inher -ent to most people, includes fragmentary ideas about law, frequently incorrect, burdened by prejudices. A theoretical level forms scientific knowledge about law and its essence, about the origin, legality, as also about law and order, legal state and legal responsibility. At this level legal awareness has integral system of views to the nature of law. Ordinary legal awareness forms during ev -eryday life of people, while their intercommunication, participating in trials, mutual relations with law enforce-ment authorities. Prevailing of moral estimation of legal norms is characteristic for ordinary legal awareness [3]. Theoretical basis of research was a study of scientific and educational literature, materials of scientific con-ferences and other materials, reflecting the questions

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