
The aim of the study is to analyze the concept and meaning of the legal consciousness of a civil servant, as one of the factors influencing the effectiveness of the institution of disciplinary responsibility in the system of civil service. The objectives of the research are: determination of the role and place of legal consciousness of a civil servant in the mechanism of legal regulation; identification of essential features and analysis of the functions of legal consciousness of a civil servant; characteristics of the main elements of the content of legal awareness of civil servants; substantiation of the interdependence of the level of legal awareness of civil servants and the state of official delinquency; determination of ways to solve the problem of forming a high level of professional legal consciousness of a civil servant. The factor influencing the components of the effectiveness of disciplinary responsibility in the system of state-service relations is the legal consciousness of civil servants, which necessitates the identification of its essence and the analysis of the components that make up the content of this complex socio-legal phenomenon. The legal awareness of civil servants predetermines the legality or unlawfulness of their behavior in public-service relations, which affects the indicators of official delinquency. Considering that the legal consciousness of a civil servant refers to professional legal consciousness, the elements of which depend on legal understanding, are in constant development and function at all stages of the mechanism of legal regulation, it is necessary to solve the problems of using personnel technologies that make it possible to identify individual elements of the content of the legal consciousness of a civil servant and, if necessary, in a timely manner. correct. The goals and objectives of the work determined the research methodology, which is based on both general scientific research methods: dialectical, methods of formal logic, systemic-structural, and private-scientific formal-legal method. The principal result of this work is the conclusion that the level of legal awareness of a civil servant is an indicator of the legitimacy of his professional service activities. A high level of group legal awareness of civil servants contributes to the provision of general prevention of disciplinary offenses in the public service system, and individual legal awareness - of private prevention.

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