
The review of legislative base concerning the legal point of view of collaboration of doctor and patient is presented in this article.Despite a lot of normatively-legal acts in the field of a health protection, it is not always succeeded to understand a medical practitioner with all requirements of current legislation for the proper maintenance of rights for patients and protection of the rights as a doctor for a properly settlement of question of mutual relations with a patient.Unfortunately, today the only normative act which contains the clear list of rights and duties of direct participants of curative process is absent in the Ukrainian legislation. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, article 49: Everybody has a right on a health protection, medical care and medical insurance. But, basis of mutual relations in the system " doctor - patient", however must fold such human qualities, as respect to each other, and also an empathy − a capacity for sympathy − and individual approach to a patient from the side of doctor; a trust to the doctor and collaboration with him from the side of patient.In fact quality of collaboration, that is the mutual realized acceptance of active participation in a curative process, depends on both parties.

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