
Climate change is an unavoidable consequence of global warming, which is believed will have a broad impact on numerous aspects of life, especially for mountain communities. Changes in rainfall patterns, increased frequency of extreme climate events, along rising air temperatures and sea levels are some of the serious issues faced by the global community. Mountain communities have their local wisdom for dealing with climate change. The huge impact of climate change requires an active effort to anticipate the widespread effects using mitigation and adaptation strategies. This research investigates the legacy of ideas of the Javanese mountain community in anticipating climate change. The research method is qualitative and uses an explorative approach to examine how the legacy of ideas of the Javanese community, combined with local potential, is used as a strategy for anticipating climate change. The research results show that the cultivation of medicinal plants based on ancestral heritage is used as an anticipation strategy for dealing with uncertainties in climate and weather. Since ancient times, mountain communities have believed that the cultivation of medicinal plants in mountain regions offers an alternative source of subsistence if other food and vegetable crops fail to thrive. Medicinal plants are not only consumed by the local community but can also be sold since they are believed to have a relatively stable price and a clear consumer market. They can be consumed by all segments of the community, for stamina, to treat diseases, and also for beauty, and to promote domestic harmony.

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