
We first attempt to determine a local exchange functional Ex[p] which accurately reproduces the Hartree-Fock (HF) energies of the 18 first and second row atoms. Ex[p is determined from p and |δp|, and we find that we can improve significantly upon Becke's original generalized gradient approximation functional (commonly called B88X) by allowing the coefficient of the Dirac exchange term to be optimized (it is argued that molecules do not behave like the uniform electron gas). We call this new two parameter exchange functional OPTX. We find that neither δ p or t = Σ δ i |2 improve the fit to these atomic energies. These exchange functionals include not only exchange, but also left-right correlation. It is therefore proposed that this functional provides a definition for exchange energy plus left-right correlation energy when used in Kohn-Sham (KS) calculations. We call this energy the Kohn-Sham exchange (or KSX) energy. It is shown that for nearly all molecules studied these KSX energies are lower than the corresponding HF energies, thus giving values for the non-dynamic correlation energy. At stretched geometries, the KSX energies are always lower than the HF energies, and often substantially so. Furthermore all bond lengths from the KSX calculations are longer than HF bond lengths and experimental bond lengths, which again demonstrates the inclusion of left-right correlation effects in the functional. For these reasons we prefer to split the correlation energy into two parts: left-right correlation energy and dynamic correlation energy, arguing that the usage of the words ‘non-dynamic’ or ‘static’ or ‘near-degeneracy’ is less meaningful. We recognize that this definition of KSX is not precise, because the definition of a local Ex[p] can never be precise. We also recognize that these ideas are not new, but we think that their importance has been insufficiently recognized in functional determination. When we include third row atoms in our analysis, we are unable to find a local exchange functional which is a substantial improvement over B88X for the reproduction of HF energies. This must arise from the effects of the core orbitals, and therefore we do not consider that this detracts from the improved accuracy of OPTX. We report some MCSCF calculations constructed from bonding-antibonding configurations, from which we attempt to calculate ab initio left-right correlation. There is only moderate agreement between the two approaches. Finally we combine the OPTX functional with established correlation functionals (LYP, P86, P91) to form OLYP, OP86 and OP91; OLYP is a great improvement on BLYP for both energy and structure, and OP86, OP91 are an improvement over BP86, BP91 for structure. The importance of the exchange functional for molecular structure is therefore underlined.

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