
Pain perception comprises sensory and emotional dimensions. While the emotional experience is thought to be represented in the right hemisphere, we here report a left-hemisphere dominance for the early sensory component of pain perception using brain electrical source analysis of laser-evoked potentials. Ten right-handed subjects underwent several series of laser radiant heat stimuli to pairs of parallel lines on the dorsum of the left or right hand. Stimulus location and intensity were randomised independently. The sensory-discriminative aspects of pain were emphasised by asking the subjects to perform either a spatial or an intensity discrimination task and were contrasted with active distraction by mental arithmetics. Pain ratings obtained after each of the laser stimulus series revealed an analgesic effect of distraction (27%, P < 0.001). Four equivalent dipole sources were active in the latency range of 100–200 ms (bilateral operculoinsular cortex, midcingulate gyrus, postcentral gyrus). The sources in the operculoinsular cortex exhibited (a) the shortest peak latency (155 ± 6 ms), (b) the most pronounced enhancement during spatial and intensity discrimination tasks compared to active distraction (43%, P < 0.001), and (c) a significantly stronger source activity in the left hemisphere independent of stimulation side (23%, P < 0.05). The distribution of these sources extended into the dorsal insula. The postcentral source had the longest peak latency (180 ± 7 ms); its source strength was task-dependent (25%, P = 0.051) but exhibited no hemisphere dominance. The midcingulate source had an intermediate peak latency (169 ± 7 ms). Its source strength was modulated by tasks, but this modulation was significant only in the latency range >200 ms (46%, P < 0.001). These findings suggest a dominant role of the left frontal operculum and adjacent dorsal insula in the early sensory-discriminative dimensions of pain processing. This region has been proposed to be the cortical projection target of nociceptive pathways from the spinal cord to the ventroposteroinferior and ventromedial (its posterior part: VMpo) thalamic nuclei.

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