
Motivated by the Hopf algebra structures established on free commutative Rota-Baxter algebras, we explore Hopf algebra related structures on free commutative Nijenhuis algebras. Applying a cocycle condition, we first prove that a free commutative Nijenhuis algebra on a left counital bialgebra (in the sense that the right-sided counicity needs not hold) can be enriched to a left counital bialgebra. We then establish a general result that a connected graded left counital bialgebra is a left counital right antipode Hopf algebra in the sense that the antipode is also only right-sided. We finally apply this result to show that the left counital bialgebra on a free commutative Nijenhuis algebra on a connected left counital bialgebra is connected and graded, hence is a left counital right antipode Hopf algebra.

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