
We previously showed that single dose orogastric immunization with an attenuated regulatory Lee-encoded regulator ( ler) mutant of the rabbit enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (REPEC) strain E22 (O103:H2) protected rabbits from fatal infection with the highly virulent parent strain. In the current study we assessed the degree of homologous (serotype-specific) and heterologous (cross-serotype) protection induced by immunization with REPEC ler mutant strains of differing serotypes, or with a prototype strain RDEC-1 (O15:H-) which expresses a full array of ler up-regulated proteins. We constructed an additional ler mutant using RDEC-1 thus, permitting immunization with a ler mutant of either serotype, O15 or O103, followed by challenge with a virulent REPEC strain of the same or different serotypes. Consistent with our previous data, the current study demonstrated that rabbits immunized with a RDEC-1 ler mutant were protected from challenge with virulent RDEC-H19A (RDEC-1 transduced with Shiga toxin-producing phage H19A) of the same serotype. Rabbits immunized with RDEC-1 or E22 derivative ler mutants demonstrated significant increase in serum antibody titers to the respective whole bacterial cells expressing O antigen but not to the LEE-encoded proteins. However, immunization with the ler mutants of either E22 or RDEC-1 failed to protect rabbits from infections with virulent organisms belonging to different serotypes. In contrast, rabbits immunized with the prototype RDEC-1 were cross protected against challenge with the heterologous E22 strain as shown by normal weight gain, and the absence of clinical signs of disease or characteristic attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions. Immunization with RDEC-1 induced significantly elevated serum IgG titers to LEE-encoded proteins. We thus, demonstrated homologous protection induced by the REPEC ler mutants and heterologous protection by RDEC-1. The observed correlation between elevated immune responses to the LEE-encoded proteins and the protection against challenge with heterologous virulent REPEC strain suggests that serotype-non-specific cross protection requires the expression of, and induction of antibody to, LEE-encoded virulence factors.

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