
Food label information for approximately 100,000 branded foods has been collected in the LEDA database in the Netherlands since 2007. Data from five providers is uploaded daily. Label data is used by the Netherlands Nutrition Centre for consumer information and by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment for research purposes that support policy development. The database covers approximately 75 % of the Dutch retail food market. Mandatory food label information is available and sufficiently covered. Non mandatory information, e.g. micronutrient values, portion sizes or state of preparation is not well covered. Adding harmonization steps, at data entry by providers, e.g. using codes instead of free text, could improve branded food data collection and use. Validation procedures have been developed and implemented. To enrich branded food data with (micro)nutrient values and with other types of data, tools are under development. Open access may further extend the potential of the LEDA branded food data. Close cooperation with data providers remains essential to achieve all aims.

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