
Electrodes, Varieties of, Application of—Density of current—Difference of Potential of electrodes—Size, position and nature of electrodes—Strength of current—Diffusion of currents—Place of poles—Relative size of Electrodes according to effect required—Selection of current—Faradic, Galvanic, Combined current—Object of Electricity—Action of Faradic and Galvanic currents—Use of the terms stabile, labile, anode, kathode, unipolar, bipolar—Indications for the disuse of faradization in Nerve degeneration—Dosage of electricity in reference to Strength of current and Time—Polarity and Direction of current—Ascending and descending currents—Action of Kathode and Anode—Electrotonus—Electro-diagnosis—Pflüger's Law—Analectrotonus—Katalectrotonus—Creation of polarity—Polar zone—Peripolar zone—Density of current—Derived and Diffused currents—Unipolar influence converted into Bipolar—Katalectrotonus or increased excitability—Analectrotonus or diminished excitability—Contraction in reference to Opening and Closing the current—KCC, ACC, KOC, AOC—Experiment upon Patient demonstrating electrotonus—Reaction of Degeneration in ant. polio-myelitis—Reaction of muscles in Brain disease—In Spinal disease—Increased muscular excitability—Diminished muscular excitability—Motor points of muscle—Polarity considered from its Therapeutical aspect—Torticollis, treatment of—Nutritional effect of kathode Voltaic alternatives—Labile galvanization—Faradization, Duchenne's theory of the Two currents—Althau's opinion of Skin faradization—Galvano-faradization—Electrolysis, Apostoli's method—Sir Spencer Wells' electrolytic treatment of Uterine disease—Electrolysis of Nævi, of Goitre, of Aneurisms, of Strictures—Ovarian pain—Galvano-faradization for muscles and joints, in Locomotor ataxy—Neuralgia—Electrization of Brain and Spinal cord—Chorea—Epilepsy—Incontinence of urine—Writer's cramp—Facial paralysis—Lead paralysis.

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