
Grunow first proposed the epithet Eunotogramma laeve in 1879 for specimens collected from North Carolina, USA and mounted on strewn slide no. 257 in the Cleve and Möller (C&M) exsiccatae. In 1882, he again listed E. laeve from material collected from Florida, USA and mounted on slide no. 320 from the same exsiccatae. Examination of C&M slides no. 257 and 320 from the Farlow Herbarium and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia with the light microscope (LM) reveals the presence of three Eunotogramma species on the two slides. Under the LM, the specimens on C&M slide no. 257 have areolate frustules, whereas the two species on C&M slide no. 320 have hyaline frustules. Given that there is no nomenclatural type for E. laeve, the areolate specimens found on the C&M slide no. 257 from the Farlow Herbarium are here designated as the lectotype for the species.

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