
Located in the easternmost part of the Mediterranean Sea, offshore Lebanon remains a frontier, untested basin surrounded by many discoveries and proven working petroleum systems. Large gas fields have been discovered in clastic reservoirs within the southern portion of the Levantine Basin, these sediments are derived from the Nile Delta cone to the south, proving the existence of good quality pre-salt clastic reservoirs. These Nile Delta derived sediments are predicted to extend into the northern sector of the Levantine Basin, thus depositing offshore Lebanon. The 10,000 sqkm 3D dataset helps to indicate the presence of turbidites and fan systems across the Levantine Basin. Biogenic gas is now proven in many clastic and carbonate discoveries in close proximity to this region. In addition, the narrow margin and deeper sections of the basin are believed to have the potential for additional thermogenic oil prone source rocks charging both deeper basin clastics and rifted Mesozoic carbonates units along the Levant Margin. With a 2nd Licence Round announcement imminent and the first wells offshore Lebanon scheduled for 2019 the industry attention remains focused offshore Lebanon and the whole general Eastern Mediterranean province.

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