
In medical and biomedical education, traditional teaching methods often struggle to engage students and promote critical thinking. The use of AI language models has the potential to transform teaching and learning practices by offering an innovative, active learning approach that promotes intellectual curiosity and deeper understanding. To effectively integrate AI language models into biomedical education, it is essential for educators to understand the benefits and limitations of these tools and how they can be employed to achieve high-level learning outcomes.This article explores the use of AI language models in biomedical education, focusing on their application in both classroom teaching and learning assignments. Using the SOLO taxonomy as a framework, I discuss strategies for designing questions that challenge students to exercise critical thinking and problem-solving skills, even when assisted by AI models. Additionally, I propose a scoring rubric for evaluating student performance when collaborating with AI language models, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of their learning outcomes.AI language models offer a promising opportunity for enhancing student engagement and promoting active learning in the biomedical field. Understanding the potential use of these technologies allows educators to create learning experiences that are fit for their students' needs, encouraging intellectual curiosity and a deeper understanding of complex subjects. The application of these tools will be fundamental to provide more effective and engaging learning experiences for students in the future.

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