
This paper investigates the pedagogy of a continuing professional development (CPD) programme to develop interprofessional learning (IPL) and collaborative practice for professionals across children's services, using a framework underpinned by Activity Theory. The aim of the study was to establish which pedagogical features enabled successful interprofessional learning and subsequent changes in collaborative, interprofessional practice. Activity Theory was used as a theoretical framework to analyse and identify the ways in which pedagogy impacts upon the development of collaborative practice. The qualitative study found that pedagogies designed to harness the ‘multi-voicedness’ of activity systems and the contradictions of multi-disciplinary practice can be used to inspire learning and practice change. From our analysis, ‘community’ and ‘division of labour’ were important contextual influences on the learning process. We propose that the ideas underpinning Activity Theory are useful guiding principles when looking at the design of CPD that aims to build collaborative, multi-disciplinary practice across agencies and professionals in children's services.

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