
This research is motivated by the phenomenon that the ability of students at Darul Qur'an to understand the art of tilawah al-Qur'an is underdeveloped even though the dormitory is intended to produce an excellent reciter of al-Qur'an. The focus of the research in this study are: (1) the form of the tahsin al-qiro'ah learning skills program, (2) the implementation of tahsin al-qiro'ah learning activities in improving the art of recitation of students in the Darul Qur'an dormitory, (3) the factors that influence the learning skills of tahsin al-qiro'ah. This research uses qualitative research, which examines the facts in the field; meanwhile, this research design uses descriptive qualitative research. This research concludes: that the skills program and the implementation of tahsin al-qiro'ah learning in the Darul Qur'an dormitory went well, which included: planning, objectives, schedule of activities, learning materials, selection of methods, and evaluation.

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