
INTRODUCTION:Learning styles vary from individuals. Each child is unique from the others. Each possessed a distinct characteristics, talents and skills. The learner learning style is a significant factor on his academic performance. In the teaching - learning process the academic performance of the child is an aspect to be given emphasis in the classroom.Learning styles are patterns that provide direction to learning and teaching. It is also describe as the set of factors, behaviors, and attitudes that facilitate learning for an individual in a given situation. Generally, different learning styles influence the mode of learning, teaching and student - teacher interaction in the classroom. Every learner has a tendency toward particular learning styles.Grantham as cited by Teope 2014, pointed out that students have their own way of learning or learning style, and they will learn best when there are varieties of learning opportunities that give them the chance to learn in their own way. Kizlik as cited by Abrantes 2013 further added that a student with a strong sense of self -efficacy, perceives challenging problems as a tasks to be mastered and builds a stronger sense of commitment to accomplish the task.Learning styles have been consistently recognized as determining factor of successful educational output. Teaching and learning process become more satisfying when the learners absorb the lesson through their preferred learning styles.In fact, one of the top concerns of education is the improvement of the achievement level of every learner. Thus, this study seeks to identify the learning styles of the grade V diamond pupils of Pasong Buaya III Elementary School as basis for classroom instruction to improve their level of performance. The study aimed to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, monthly income, and general average. Identify the learning styles of the grade V pupils and find out if there is a significant relationship between the respondents' profile and learning style?LITERATURE REVIEW:Learning style according to some education psychologists, is one of the identified significant factors to students' performance. Each child learns new information in different ways. There are three cognitive learning styles developed by Fernald, Orton, Montesoori and other psychologists starting in the 1920's. They are Visual, Auditory, Kinestetic or Tactile learning Style Model.Whitely (2012) characterized verbal style as the combination of the use of speech and writing. Learners show confidence conversely, verbally and written form. Reading and scribbling are their pass time. Visual Style learners prefer using pictures, images and spatial understanding. They do extremely well in making use of images, pictures, colors, and maps to construct information and communication with others. They can visualize objects plans and outcomes through their eye. They also have high possess spatial sense which leads to better sense of direction. Auditory style, the learners prefer using sound and music to learn. They often have excellence sense of pitch and rhythm, hence, it is expected that they can sing and play musical instrument, or recognized the sounds of various instrument and songs. Kinesthetic Style, the learners prefer using their body, hands and sense of touch to learn and understand the world around them. They enjoy sports, exercise and other physical activities.The need to identify the learning style preferences of the Grade V pupils diamond of Pasong Buaya III Elementary School is significant in the teaching learning process: learning style conveys how to perceive, interacts, and respect to their learning environment.Thus, this research provides a better and clearer guide on what method of instruction is suited to the pupils.Dun et. Al ( 2001) presented some benefits of using learning styles to improve classroom instruction, they are as follows: a. …

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