
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between learning strategies, self-efficacy, and performance among students of the College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. The main objective of this study was to provide the impact of the learning process (rehearsal, elaboration, organisation and critical thinking) concerning self-efficacy and performance of the health sciences students. The sample of this study comprised of (n=147) students enrolled in the final year of BS Program of College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University. Learning strategies were measured by a subscale of learning strategies, whereas, self-efficacy was measured by general self-efficacy scale. The grade point average of the students served to measure the performance of the students. Previous studies have shown that there is a clear difference in learning strategies on self-efficacy and performance among the students. The current study explored these variables among allied health students involved in practical clinical skills. Results proved the predictive relationship of deep level strategies with self-efficacy (F (3,143) = 5.587, p<.01) and surface-level strategies with performance (F (1,145) = 4.541, p<.03) of the students. The findings could contributeto evaluating the most frequently used learning strategies about self-efficacy and the performance of the students. Effective learning strategies were proposed to enhance the performance of the students.

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