
Aligning human parts automatically is one of the most challenging problems for person re-identification (re-ID). Recently, the stripe-based methods, which equally partition the person images into the fixed stripes for aligned representation learning, have achieved great success. However, the stripes with fixed height and position cannot well handle the misalignment problems caused by inaccurate detection and occlusion and may introduce much background noise. In this article, we aim at learning adaptive stripes with foreground refinement to achieve pixel-level part alignment by only using person identity labels for person re-ID and make two contributions. 1) A semantics-consistent stripe learning method (SCS). Given an image, SCS partitions it into adaptive horizontal stripes and each stripe is corresponding to a specific semantic part. Specifically, SCS iterates between two processes: i) clustering the rows to human parts or background to generate the pseudo-part labels of rows and ii) learning a row classifier to partition a person image, which is supervised by the latest pseudo-labels. This iterative scheme guarantees the accuracy of the learned image partition. 2) A self-refinement method (SCS+) to remove the background noise in stripes. We employ the above row classifier to generate the probabilities of pixels belonging to human parts (foreground) or background, which is called the class activation map (CAM). Only the most confident areas from the CAM are assigned with foreground/background labels to guide the human part refinement. Finally, by intersecting the semantics-consistent stripes with the foreground areas, SCS+ locates the human parts at pixel-level, obtaining a more robust part-aligned representation. Extensive experiments validate that SCS+ sets the new state-of-the-art performance on three widely used datasets including Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID, and CUHK03-NP.

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